Download Meeting Agenda & Packet

4:00 p.m
In-Person Meeting

Virtual Access
Phone: 1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 842 1003 0591 
Passcode: 491957


  1. Call to Order & Establishment of Quorum Jeremy Bryant, Chair

  2. Approval of Minutes: January 16, 2025 Jeremy Bryant, Chair

  3. FY2026 Unified Planning Work Program  | Jeremy Bryant, Chair

  4. FY25 Work Program UpdateKelly Hitchcock, CVTPO

    1. Route 221 Corridor Study 
    2. Central Virginia Safety Action Plan (Attachment 4b
    3. Lynchburg Multimodal Plan
    4. U.S. DOT Thriving Communities Program
  5. Opportunity for Public CommentJeremy Bryant, Chair

  6. Matters from the Board and/or StaffJeremy Bryant, Chair

    1. State & Federal Agency partner updates
    2. Other
  7. Adjourn | CVTPO Chair

  8. Informational Items

    • CVTPO next meeting: May 15, 2025
Central Virginia Transportation Planning Organization 828 Main Street, #12
Lynchburg, VA 24504 (434) 845-3491

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