The Central Virginia Transportation Planning Organization (CVTPO) is responsible for regional transportation planning in the Lynchburg urbanized area which contains all of the City of Lynchburg, and portions of Bedford, Campbell and Amherst counties.

The CVTPO is charged with providing a continuing, comprehensive and cooperative transportation planning process for expenditure of state and federal funds within this urbanized area.  The planning process is carried out through coordination between the Technical Committee and Policy Board of the CVTPO.

The reports listed below of the Federal Obligated Funds identify and provide data on each project within the Lynchburg urbanzied planning area for which Federal funds were obligated between October and September of year stated on the report. Obligation of funds reflects the Federal government's commitment to pay or reimburse the Commonwealth of Virginia or local entities for the Federal share of a project's eligible costs.  It is important to understand that the obligation of funds does not necessarily imply that work on a project began in the year of obligation and that the amount of Federal funds obligated may not equal the total cost of a project, which often includes commitments from the Commonwealth of Virginia and local entities. 

Federal Obligated Funds

Annual Listing of Transportation Project Obligations - Federal Fiscal Year 2017

Past Years Federal Obligated Funds

Central Virginia Transportation Planning Organization 828 Main Street, #12
Lynchburg, VA 24504 (434) 845-3491

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