Download Meeting Agenda
Download Meeting Minutes

Holiday Inn Lynchburg, 601 Main Street, Lynchburg, VA 24504
October 19, 2017 4:00 p.m.


  1. Call to Order - Turner Perrow, Chair
  2. Approval of Minutes: July 27, 2017 - Turner Perrow, Chair
    (Attachment #2)
  3. Opportunity for Public Comment - Turner Perrow, Chair
  4. Public Hearing, Consideration, and Approval of Proposed Amendments to the FY 2018-2021 Central Virginia Transportation Improvement Program (CVTIP) (Attachment #4a & 4b) - Scott Smith, Transportation Planning Director
  5. Adoption of Resolutions Supporting Transportation Alternatives Applications from Localities within the MPO Boundary (Attachment #5a & 5b) - Scott Smith, Transportation Planning Director
  6. Adoption of Resolutions Supporting Highway Safety Improvement Program Applications from Localities within the MPO Boundary (Attachment #6a) - Scott Smith, Transportation Planning Director
  7. Presentation on Upcoming Adoption of Safety Performance Targets - Scott Smith, Transportation Planning Director
  8. Presentation & Discussion on the Role of MPOs in Virginia - Turner Perrow, Chair & Scott Smith, Transportation Planning Director
  9. Matters from the Members - Turner Perrow, Chair
  10. Adjournment - Turner Perrow, Chair
  11. Informational Items

The next scheduled meeting of the CVMPO will be at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, January 17, 2018 at the Region 2000 Local Government Council Offices, 828 Main Street, 12th Floor, Lynchburg, Virginia, 24504.

The CVMPO ensures nondiscrimination and equal employment in all programs and activities in accordance with Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. If you have questions or concerns about your civil rights in regards to this project or need special assistance for persons with disabilities or limited English proficiency, please contact the CVMPO. Sign language or non-English language interpreters will be provided if needed and requested in advance of this meeting. Please contact the CVMPO at 434-845-3491 to request an interpreter.

View CVMPO Staff Report (Attachment 1B)

Central Virginia Transportation Planning Organization 828 Main Street, #12
Lynchburg, VA 24504 (434) 845-3491

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