The Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) sets a collective vision for the region’s future transportation system and identifies projects that are intended to achieve regional goals and objectives. The plan considers all modes of surface transportation: including cars, trucks, public transit, biking, walking, and more. LRTPs can also address issues such as bridge maintenance and air travel. These plans must be updated every five years; the most recent LRTP is called Connect Central Virginia 2045.
View by Chapter:
Chapter II: Planning Context and Background
Chapter III: Public Engagement
Chapter IV: State of the System
Chapter V: Demographic and Land Use Trends
Chapter VI: Goals and Performance Measures
Chapter VII: 2045 Performance-based Process
Chapter VIII: 2045 Deployment and Implementation
Appendix A: Transportation Glossary
Appendix B: Short Range Transportation Plan
Appendix C: Summary of Existing Plans
Appendix D: Public Engagement Plan
Appendix E: Public Engagement Documentation
Appendix F: Modeling Documentation
Appendix G: Project Evaluation Process
Appendix H: Project Score Sheets
Appendix I: Rural Transportation Plan Projects List
Appendix J: Intergovernmental Review