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The Central Virginia Transportation Planning Organization (CVTPO) is a forum for cooperative, continuing and comprehensive transportation planning.  The CVTPO area includes the City of Lynchburg and the urbanized areas of Bedford, Campbell and Amherst counties.  The CVTPO considers long-range regional projects and combines public input, technical data and agency collaboration to develop innovative improvements for the area’s transportation network.

Areas We Serve

The CVPDC has launched two commuter needs surveys: one for individuals, and one for employers (business owners, HR representatives and management).

Both surveys launched on April 17 and will be open until May 17. The surveys are brief and upon completion participants can be entered to win a $100 gift card! 

Commuter Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/9DJ88NZ

Employer Survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K89TJ9K

The Commuter Survey is part of a larger Commuter Needs Assessment being undertaken by the Central Virginia Planning District Commission (CVPDC) and will be used to inform commuting patterns, challenges, and interest/opportunities in using all modes – carpooling, biking, walking, transit, single vehicle – to access resources in the region. The project is being conducted in partnership with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) and Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (VDRPT). 

Want to learn more about our free Commuter Assistance Program, ConnectingVA? Visit: https://www.cvpdc.org/transportation/commuters

To learn more about the Commuter Survey, the Commuter Needs Assessment, or to learn more about free commuter assistance services in our region, contact Ada Hunsberger, Commuter Assistance Program Manager, at Ada.Hunsberger@cvpdc.org.

CVTPO Updates

Learn about CVTPO activities in your community.

06 May 2024

May is Bike Month!

May is Bike Month Whether you're a new rider or a seasoned cyclist May is the perfect time to take...

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08 May 2023

Bike to Work Day 2024

May is Bike to Work Month Join us on Friday May at the Downtown Community Market for a Bike to...

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16 April 2024

Commuter Needs Assessment

The CVPDC has launched two commuter needs surveys one for individuals and one for employers business owners HR representatives and...

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Central Virginia Transportation Planning Organization 828 Main Street, #12
Lynchburg, VA 24504

communications@cvpdc.org (434) 845-3491

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